- 首頁
- 學校資料
- 各科組資訊
- 家教會
- 校友會
- 教育服務中心
- 幼稚園班組惡劣天氣停課安排
- 課程概覽
- 一般班組惡劣天氣上課安排
- 中心通告
- 教育服務中心活動花絮
- 學習天地
- 暑期學堂花絮
- 「暑期學堂」惡劣天氣上課安排
- 訓育及輔導
- 入學與升學
- 幼小同盟
After a thrilling Halloween English Week, the students at our school showcased their creativity and enthusiasm. Our school was filled with colourful costumes as the students dressed up as their favourite characters. Besides, six booth games were set up for the students. There were English ambassadors and student helpers to help carry out the activities. Everyone enjoyed being a part of it.After playing games, let's go on an adventure in the haunted house! One of the highlights of the week was the Halloween decoration competition. Students transformed our covered playground into spooky wonderland.